Re:Mind is a Japanese psychological thriller streaming television series, which was released on Netflix on October 13, 2017, and also broadcast on TV Tokyo starting October 19. The series was produced by Akira Uchikata, Yusuke Ishida, and Yusuke Koroyasu, and features cast members from the Japanese idol girl group Hiragana Keyakizaka46 (now Hinatazaka46).[1]
After awaking in an old European-style room, eleven high school classmates find themselves sitting at a large dining room table, with their feet shackled to the floor. They find that their situation could be related to another classmate named Miho who had disappeared months before. As they try to figure out how to escape, some of the girls start disappearing from the table one by one. The girls realize they share a checkered past with Miho, but also suspect one of them could be behind the trap.
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